10 Things To Expect From The New TV-14 WWE

9. Shenanigans Over Match Quality


And speaking of the Texas Rattlesnake, though he undoubtedly found himself at the centre of some of the finest contests the Attitude Era in particular had to offer, Stone Cold Steve Austin really immortalised himself in the minds of many thanks to his frequent beer-boasting shenanigans.

Sensing just how much the sight of The Bionic Redneck rampaging around on his ATV and soaking his boss with a little help from a beer truck was clicking with the rebellious youth taking in their product, WWE understandably double-down on the hijinks throughout this often barmy spell.

But with all this focus and attention on getting characters over via their consistently nutty antics outside of actual in-ring competition, WWE did find its overall match quality suffering somewhat in comparison to earlier years and the time that would follow this attitude-laced era. In fact, if you class the birth of the Attitude Era as the moment Vince cut his "WarZone is the cure for the common show" promo, WWE didn't produce one single Meltzer-rated five-star classic during the entire period of misbehaving.

So, this getting back into the TV-14 business may not produce the sort of thrilling in-ring spectacle many are hoping for...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...