10 Things To Expect From The New TV-14 WWE

7. Cody Rhodes Becoming The Top Guy


With Cody Rhodes already excelling in what appears to be his own much less restricted corner of the overall WWE machine before his untimely torn t*tty earlier this year, news of his new home tiptoeing back into the sort of territory he'd enjoyed putting on particularly violent wars in as part of AEW has likely brought a pristine smile to The American Nightmare's mug.

Rhodes was already quick to fuel the flames of him unquestionably being in his element should the TV-14 days be up and running by the time of his return, with the blood-merchant popping a cheeky winking emoji onto Twitter when Andrew Zarian's news hit the web.

With the hand-cuffs off, absolute battles like the one we saw Rhodes take part in with Seth Rollins at Hell in a Cell will undoubtedly be taken up a few more brutal notches, with his more fiery and gory skirmishes seen in AEW now perhaps standing a chance of making their way on too WWE TV.

And there's every chance Rhodes will get even more over than he already was pre-injured pec if he's given an opportunity to be the sort of unfiltered and old school star that helped put All Elite Wrestling on the map in the first place.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...