10 Things To Expect From The New TV-14 WWE

6. Talent From Other Companies Being More Compelled To Come Aboard


Keeping in the vein of AEW talents wanting to take a walk on the Sports Entertainment side of life, if Cody Rhodes' surprisingly compelling presentation and treatment upon setting foot back on WWE turf hadn't already given a few of Tony Khan's talents something to think about, the TV-14 developments that could be heading the company's way most certainly will have.

For the longest time, the argument had understandably been that it would be near-impossible to give edgy stars like MJF the platform they need to really blossom into the generational performers they held the potential to be whilst sitting under a PG WWE banner.

However, it now appears more and more likely that the likes of The Salt of the Earth and perhaps some of the other often controversial and unscripted stars within AEW like The Acclaimed, for example, will be more inclined to entertain McMahon's uncensored empire in the coming years.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...