10 Things To Expect From WrestleMania 32 In Dallas

8. Stone Cold Steve Austin Will Be Back For One Last Match

Oh hell yeah! In the immediacy of WrestleMania 32's location being announced, industry insiders Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez identified Steve Austin as the logical headliner. He's from Texas and has never fully ruled out one more match. If he was ever going to do a match, next year would be his now or never moment. He'd be 51 years old and it would be in front of his people. Something else would appeal to Austin, and that would be the money. He has always been a calculated businessman when it came to his wrestling bookings and merchandising. He'd stand to make a record payday next year. The potential 100,000 attendance could mainly be attributed to his presence as he's the local legend. For money and sentiment, WrestleMania 32 may be too good to miss for Stone Cold Steve Austin.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.