10 Things To Expect From WrestleMania 32 In Dallas

7. Austin Vs Cena

In regards to what Steve Austin's match would be, it is logical that he'd face John Cena. It would be genuine headliner vs genuine headliner, mirroring the generational appeal that The Rock Vs John Cena had at (the box office record breaking) WrestleMania 28. There's also the fact that Cena is safe enough to put together a low impact match with The Rattlesnake. Despite his neck issues, Austin is in fairly decent shape and still physically fit. A well thought out match would be more than safe enough. Both men have defined movesets and to a degree they could work through the motions. Nobody would be expecting a hard hitting classic. The dynamic would work well, as Austin would be the biggest face ever in front of his own people. Cena would by default be the biggest heel in the world. Austin had previously also named Brock Lesnar, Triple H and CM Punk as potential opponents. Punk is contracted with the UFC beyond this year and Lesnar is due to leave. That means Triple H would be the only other viable option. It also wouldn't be massively surprising if WWE did go that route, particularly as Triple H would want to do it and holds the power to push for it. However, you'd have to think that Vince McMahon would 100% be behind Cena vs Austin.
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