10 Things WCW Ripped Off

5. Already Uninspired WWE Gimmicks

Sting Crow WCW

Nailz debuted in the WWE with a convict gimmick as an obvious foe for the babyface Big Boss Man, alleging mistreatment by the Boss Man's prison officer persona as a reason to want revenge. Nailz didn't last very long and left on such bad terms his only option was to head to WCW instead, where he appeared with the entirely too-familiar gimmick of 'The Prisoner' and promptly got battered by Sting.

WCW had a habit of taking WWE gimmicks that weren't that great to begin with, and ripping them off. It seemed less of a plan to leverage the dubious creative quality of such gimmicks, and more a way of telling the world that WCW could do whatever the WWE could, and with the same people. John 'Earthquake' Tenta was a well-respected big man wrestler, but WCW seemed to have hired him solely to call him 'Avalanche' and prove they could do this sort of thing at will.

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WCW Sting
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Ben Counter is a fantasy and science fiction writer, gaming enthusiast, wrestling fan and miniature painting guru. He was raised on Warhammer, Star Wars and 1980s cartoons that, in retrospect, were't that good. Whoever you are, he is nerdier than you.