10 Things We Learned About Chris Benoit Tragedy From Kevin Sullivan On Jim Cornette's Podcast

6. He Refutes Claims He Gave Nancy A Black Eye

Nancy Benoit

Nancy's sister Sandra told VICE during 'Dark Side of The Ring' that Sullivan gave his then-wife a black eye in the mid-90s. She also claimed that domestic issues were common between the couple, and became even more so towards the end of their relationship.

Sullivan outright told Cornette that shiner never happened.

He pointed to Sandra's timeline of events as a fatal flaw in her argument. When Sandra claims she was called to rush to her sister's aid, Kevin was nowhere to be found. He and Nancy hadn't seen one another for around four months, he claims. That would've made it impossible for him to give her a black eye.

This kind of insight and debate is probably what VICE wanted in their documentary. Without comments from Sullivan though, they had to take Sandra's word. That made things a little lop-sided, and didn't let Kevin give his side of the story.


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