10 Things We Learned From Attending WWE Raw After WrestleMania Live
5. ... And Highlights Packages Are Even Worse
If Raw's seemingly endless commercial breaks were tedious, the stream of video packages were headache-inducing, given how they're presented at TV tapings.
It was the night after WrestleMania. WWE were always going to show highlights of the night before, because that's what they do. Still, sitting tight while they ran through footage and stills from an event everybody in the arena had consumed just 24 hours prior stunk, and, when paired with commercials, they made for a number of lengthy breaks from the actual action.
The way WWE deal with said packages while a wrestler is making their entrance is jarring. The performer in question will walk out to their music, pause in the ring, then have their theme muted while the highlights play. Then, the track will resume at the same point it was paused on. This isn't even a major critique: it's just weird to watch.