10 Things We Learned From Bayley On Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Sessions

6. What Put A Chip On Her Shoulder

Steve Austin Bayley

The "main roster" merriment could only last so long though, and that's not something Bayley saw coming at all. Actually, she was left embarrassed and "a bit hurt" when fans booed the sh*t out of her on the 7 August 2017 episode of Raw.

People jeered as the wounded babyface (who was legit injured) thanked everyone for their messages of support. Austin tried to look on the positive side by highlighting Bayley's rescue bid mid-way through, but she wasn't having any of it. That was a rotten position to be in, and it earned her some sympathy from others backstage.

Sasha even muttered, "Screw these people" when she came out to share the stage.

Truthfully, Bayley says she knew her character was growing stale. Fans had tired of the lovable 'girl next door' thing, and it was time to spread her wings. The only problem was that she didn't really know how to do that when WWE had typecast her for so long.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.