10 Things We Learned From Becky Lynch On Edge & Christian’s Podcast

5. Edge Was Disappointed Before Survivor Series

Becky Lynch Blood

In an honest moment on the show, Edge revealed his gross disappointment when he heard that WWE planned to promote Becky Lynch vs. Ronda Rousey at Survivor Series. Aside from showing how the legend feels about that particular pay-per-view series, it proved his savvy.

To Mr. 'Rated-R Superstar', Bex vs. Ronnie was tailor-made for WrestleMania 35.

He didn't like the idea that WWE might hot shot one of their biggest matches in-waiting on a card they previously couldn't have cared less about. Plus, it'd be wasted under the Raw vs. SmackDown banner when it could be so much more than an excuse to further brand bragging rights.

That's why, when Edge saw pics online of a bloodied-up Becky after that Nia Jax punch on Raw, he quietly smiled. Smashed face or not, he knew that Lynch would benefit from the injury and postponement of her match with Rousey in the long run.

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Becky Lynch
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