10 Things We Learned From Becky Lynch On Edge & Christian’s Podcast

6. Her 'Mania Main Event Crusade Has Nothing To Do With Gender

Ronda Rousey Becky Lynch WrestleMania 35

Also, that everlasting wish to headline the biggest show of WWE's year has next-to-nothing to do with gender and everything to do with who's over.

To Becky, Ronda Rousey and herself are currently the two most over, engaging characters on the product, and that should justify why they're in the hunt to main event WrestleMania. Again, it's hard to argue against this; check the reactions both women get weekly, then compare them to almost everyone else not-named Seth Rollins, AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan or Braun Strowman.

The responses from live crowds are so strong that nobody could grudge WWE for cashing in whilst both are hot and making them the focal point of 'Mania. In Becky's mind, this has little to do with pushing women's wrestling forward and everything to do with business sense.

That's a unique perspective, because the typical party line from women in WWE recently has been about equality. Lynch has a different take. Her's is more concerned with combining a personal dream with something that'd make the company cash.

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Becky Lynch
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