10 Things We Learned From Big Show On Stone Cold's Broken Skull Sessions Podcast

2. He'd Purposefully Avoid The Undertaker After Matches

The Undertaker Big Show Unholy Alliance

As aforementioned, Show wasn't the most confident soul before hitting his stride in 2011. In fact, he was downright self-conscious when he first joined the WWF in 1999. A few months after his debut, the company hitched Show to The Undertaker in an attempt to bed him in and mould him into something more.

It ended up terrifying the guy.

'Taker "chewed out" Show on a nightly basis after their matches, and it became too much for the newcomer to take. He told Austin he'd purposefully hide from and avoid his tag-team partner when he got back through the curtain, if only because he needed five minutes or so to breathe before getting berated for his performance.

Everyone, from 'Taker and Pat Patterson to Vince and some of the other wrestlers, would tell Show contrasting things about how he should work. He said that things got on top of him to the point that he briefly thought about driving his car off a passing bridge so he didn't have to worry about it.

That's scary.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.