10 Things We Learned From Bruce Prichard’s Creation Of WWE Raw Podcast

2. Raw Ran In The Red For The First Year

vince mcmahon studio

As aforementioned, the launch of Monday Night Raw was a financial disaster for the WWF during the show's early days. Prichard elaborated on this cost by claiming Raw ran in the red for the entire first year. McMahon had signed an agreement with the USA Network and couldn't renegotiate until it was over.

By the end of 1993, he wanted assurances that he'd see a better return on his investment. The combination of low ticket prices, smaller crowds than then WWF were used to and the high price of renting the Manhattan Center every week burned a hole in Vince's pocket. By the time he was ready to renegotiate, USA were too.

The Network were happy with Raw's ratings and delighted that McMahon wanted to continue running the show with them. Once it was time to assess the money situation, both parties were keen to work together and turn Raw from a money-loser into a money-spinner.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.