10 Things We Learned From CM Punk On Renée Paquette's Podcast

10. Both Can’t Believe They Pulled WWE Backstage Off

CM Punk Seth Rollins

Both Renée and Punk were stunned that WWE Backstage actually happened.

Paquette was the one who first pitched Punk to FOX, and they were keen. Despite ploughing ahead and firing out a DM to the would-be host though, Renée was sure that one of two things would happen: WWE would step in, put their foot down and say no, or Punk himself wouldn't want to do it.

She was under the impression that he'd much rather wrestle instead, but Punk's interest was piqued by the fact that he'd be working with FOX more than WWE. Jokingly, he credited Paquette on the pod for "bringing [him] back to this sh*tshow", which is pretty hilarious.

Things came together nicely, at least for a while, and the pair enjoyed working with one another. Deep down, Punk knew it wasn't going to last, but he had a blast as a talking head and enjoyed the relatively loose feel FOX were going for.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.