10 Things We Learned From Damien Sandow On Chris Jericho's Podcast

8. His Release Was Mutually Beneficial

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Many fans felt that Sandow's release was a tragedy for the wrestler who had been poorly booked, given bad creative and left out on the scrapheap for much of his WWE career. The man himself is more prosaic in his opinions, putting a positive spin on his recent departure.

All in all, it's been a positive lifestyle change, allowing him to rest and reflect. He is now able to catch up on his homelife and do the things that being a commited contracted wrestler to the WWE doesn't allow a person to do.

Sandow also asserts that it will allow him to develop professionally while also giving younger talent the space to thrive on the roster. He is expecting to work as a wrestler independently while also pursuing an acting career in television and film and even the stage.

He has already had offers across all three mediums and has been spending time in Los Angeles. Don't expect him to disappear into the sunset and never return to the ring, however, as he makes perfectly clear that there is nothing like performing in front of a wrestling crowd.


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