10 Things We Learned From Daniel Bryan On Talk Is Jericho

9. Daniel Pushed "The Devastation Away" When Retiring

daniel bryan retires

Prepare to shed a tear should you listen to Daniel Bryan talk about his in-ring retirement, from the 8 February 2016 Raw, on Talk Is Jericho. It's clear he's still emotional about it today, and casting his mind back to how he felt that day is a painful experience.

One thing Daniel was mindful not to do was appear bitter. In fact, he tried hard to ensure the retirement speech came across as grateful, not one that truly reflected his inner thoughts; inside, Bryan was devastated, and he told Jericho that he "pushed the devastation away" in favour of showing gratitude.

That must have taken serious guts. The amount of tension, depression and sadness swimming around Bryan's head that day, heightened by the anguish of an audience who had grown to idolise him, must have been overbearing. He kept it together though, and that deserves a lot of credit.

There's a reason Daniel closed his eyes several times during the speech. To him, it was agonising.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.