10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: Bam Bam Bigelow

1. Dana Signed Over His Royalties

Bam Bam Bigelow Dark Side Of The Ring

Take a bow, Dana.

Bam Bam's ex-wife comes across as a tremendously upfront, decent and honest human being throughout VICE's doc. She never tries to portray herself as some one-woman pity party or hog the spotlight. Instead, Dana puts full focus on just how much Bigelow loved his children and wanted to provide for them.

At one point, Dana also relents that she'd call Bammer a "motherf*cker" if she saw him today, but she also knows he lost control and understands how serious addictions are. Going through therapy has helped Dana come to terms with what happened towards the end of their marriage, and cope with Bigelow's death.

Showing her class, Dana decided to sign over all Bam Bam Bigelow royalties from the WWF/WWE days to his children after he passed. That's what Bigelow would've wanted, so that's what she did. She believed they should have something tangible to remember their father by.

What a lovely touch.

What else did you learn from VICE's doc on Bam Bam Bigelow? For more like this, check out 10 Times WWE Nepotism CRUSHED Hot Angles and 10 Weirdest Ways Wrestlers Got Hired By WWE!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.