10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: Brian Pillman

2. The Chilling Thing He Told Melanie In 1997

Brian Pillman Dark Side Of The Ring

Pillman's real life was falling apart whilst his fantasy one was just heating up.

As aforementioned, Melanie cuts a sad figure during the entire doc's duration. That contrasts rather vividly with how everybody else depicts her ("literally the devil"), but it's true. At one point, she recalled a chilling conversation with Brian back in 1997. It's something that has haunted her ever since.

Pillman pulled Mel aside and told her to go back to Atlanta and remarry "if something happened to [him]". His chief concern was that the kids would then have a father figure in their lives. Melanie was distraught upon hearing that, because it kinda' sounded like Brian didn't think he'd be around for much longer.

This chat took place a few months before Pillman was found dead in his hotel room on the day of the WWF's Badd Blood pay-per-view on 5 October '97. Melanie still isn't sure if Brian was trying to tell her something or if his spooky words were coincidental.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.