10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: Buff Bagwell

1. It Races Through The Wrestling Stuff

Buff Bagwell WWE VICE

WCW doesn’t actually get as much time as you might imagine from a doc about Buff Bagwell. The nWo is referenced in passing, and so are tag-teams like The American Males, but it’s all fairly minimal considering the subject was a pretty high profile pro wrestler during his prime.

VICE's producers clearly wanted to focus on Bagwell’s family life and personal problems instead. Even his serious career/life-threatening injury from Thunder is glanced over a bit, and way more time is dedicated to some of the drama outside the ring. That's standard 'Dark Side' procedure, of course, but there's a lack of balance here.

It feels like there was more meat on the bone with the WCW era in particular.

Fans of Buff's run in the company who are also fascinated by how quickly things went south for him in WWE will learn a lot from the episode, in fairness. It includes some truly shocking stories from his personal life that will raise an eyebrow or two.

What else did you learn from VICE's documentary on Buff Bagwell? For more wrestling, check out HORRIBLE Matches WWE Forced On Fans and WWE 2K24: 15 CAWs You Must Download Immediately!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.