10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: Buff Bagwell

2. Judy’s Death Saved His Life

Buff Bagwell WWE VICE

After years of on/off substance abuse, Buff was heartbroken to learn that his mother Judy had passed away in 2021. She'd been battling Alzheimer's Disease bravely, but eventually died. That's when Bagwell had a crucial decision to make. He either returned to old, self-destructive habits, or he sought out help.

Enter Diamond Dallas Page.

DDP hit the scene to act as a saving grace for his old WCW colleague. His work was so effective in cleaning up Buff's act that Bagwell recommended him to Scotty Riggs too. Fellow WCW alumni Riggs had been living in his car and almost took his own life, but working with Page helped him as well.

Everyone in the family was proud of Buff for striving to get sober and avoid slumping into an alcohol or drug-fuelled haze. It's remarkable that Bagwell found the inner strength to do that whilst also grieving his deceased mother.

Thank God for Diamond Dallas Page, man.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.