10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: Collision In Korea

6. A Pool Game Almost Ruined Everything

WCW NJPW Collision In Korea Dark Side Of The Ring Vice

The hotel the wrestlers stayed at was boring, restrictive and intimidating. Norton remembered asking to play a few games of pool to pass the time, and couldn't believe it when Korean officials took two hours to OK that and set things up. Then, things almost turned sour in a hurry.

Norton pinged a ball off the table during a game with Scopio, and that enraged the armed guards who were looking on. They quickly put a halt to the merriment, smashed every single pool ball into dust and stopped the game from proceeding. That raised the ire of an already-on edge Norton.

He had to be calmed down before he did something stupid.

It's probably not over-egging things to suggest that Norton could've been shot had he lost his temper and attacked someone over this. The wrestlers were frustrated, tired, terrified and didn't know how to cope with it all. No wonder.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.