10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: Magnum T.A

3. Magnum Wanted To Retire Aged 30

Dark Side Of The Ring Magnum TA

Magnum T.A was just 27 years old when he wrapped his Porsche around that telephone pole in Charlotte. His life changed in the blink of an eye, and so did the NWA's booking plans - they'd agreed to have Magnum win the NWA World Title from Ric Flair at some point in late-1986/early-1987.

Incredibly, Terry told VICE that he only fancied working a few years (at most) on top before calling it a day and retiring from the pro wrestling biz. In fact, Magnum thought it'd be kinda ridiculous if he was still wrestling a full-time schedule well into his mid-30s.

He planned to retire when he hit 30.

The beloved babyface's personal booking strategy would've been to win the belt, enjoy some time on top earning serious cash, then drop it to someone in their mid-20s who was deemed ready to carry the ball next. Magnum didn't have any problems with losing, because he didn't want to wrestle beyond 1990 anyway.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.