10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: Marty Jannetty

5. His Most Famous Moment Happened For Real

Dark Side Of The Ring Shawn Michaels Marty Jannetty

Shawn putting Marty through the Barbershop window in early-1992 became known as the most iconic tag-team split angle in history. Get this: It actually happened for real shortly before the stunt aired on television, at least according to Mike Moran.

He says both Rockers got into a fight at a hotel, and Shawn eventually put Marty through a ground floor window. That, ladies and gents, is actually insane. Nobody on 'Dark Side' reveals whether or not the WWF angle was based on this, or if the timing was totally coincidental. However, Jannetty had gone through some glass for real before eating sugar glass on-screen.


This wasn't the first time Shawn and Marty had come to blows on the road though. There was a definite undercurrent of tension between both guys for years, and that'd only heighten once it became apparent that Michaels was heading for the top as Jannetty's personal issues wrecked his own potential.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.