10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: Owen Hart

6. Martha Tried To "Run Away" From Owen's Body

Dark Side Of The Ring Owen Hart Martha

"Are you ready?", the funeral director asked before showing Martha into the room containing Owen's open casket. "Yes", she replied. She wasn't - by the time Martha clapped eyes on her husband, she recoiled in terror, fell to the floor and screamed. Martha was "absolutely horrified by what Owen looked like".

Bret Hart took charge of the situation by bear-hugging Martha and inching her towards Owen's body. It wasn't until she saw her man's hair, and noticed how soft it was, that Martha started to come around and pay her respects. She wasn't scared anymore after that despite the poor condition of Owen's face and torso.

This part of the doc, you won't be surprised to hear, is remarkably sad.

Martha admits she tried to "run away" at first before Bret calmed her down. She's glad of that, because stroking Owen's hair once last time was worth it. He was still her husband, and she wanted to see him before the funeral.

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Owen Hart
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