10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: Owen Hart

5. The Family Visited Kemper Arena

Dark Side Of The Ring Owen Hart

The photo above was taken by police the day after Over The Edge 1999. It was also the same view Owen Hart had right before falling to his death from the rafters, and the very same image that'll be burned into Martha, Oje and Athena Hart's minds forever.

They visited the Kemper Arena and looked down from the catwalk just like Owen had.

This might seem cruel to some people, but Martha wanted to try and remove any doubts from her children's brains about what had happened to their father. Oje will never forget looking down from the metal walkway high above the ground - he imagined what his dad must've been feeling at that moment. The fear would've been very real.

Nobody could believe how high up they were, or why the WWF thought it was a good idea for Owen to even be up there in the first place. The planned stunt, one played for laughs, that'd cost him his life was something everyone agreed was totally avoidable.

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Owen Hart
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.