10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: Terry Gordy

7. Dr. Death Slapped Gordy To Revive Him

Dark Side Of The Ring Terry Gordy

Here's an example.

Gordy would pass out frequently, and even almost swallowed his tongue on a few occasions. Instead of calling medics, his then-tag partner ‘Dr. Death’ Steve Williams would slap Terry's face hard to wake him up again. That, dear readers, is genuinely nuts.

Together, the pair toured Japan as The Miracle Violence Connection. Gordy and Williams became renowned as one of the best tags in the biz, and earned rave reviews for their hard-hitting matches. Outside the ring, Terry was struggling to keep a lid on his addictions, which is why Steve had to step in and play doc every now and then.

He got into the habit of smacking Gordy hard whenever he was out of it, and that seemed to keep 'Bam Bam' afloat long enough to get to the next town. Of course, Terry had deep-rooted issues that needed addressed by professionals, but that was never going to happen.

He lived for the next match.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.