10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: The Ultimate Warrior

7. “Parts Unknown” Had Shoot Origins

The Ultimate Warrior Dark Side Of The Ring

Other wrestlers, by their own admission, had a hard time breaking through the ice with Warrior. Bret Hart, for example, wrote in his book that the locker room didn't relate with 'The Ultimate One' like they had with his predecessor Hulk Hogan. Hart also disliked how dismissive Warrior was of certain fans.

Shari reasons that nobody could figure her ex out. The other wrestlers knew he wasn't a brilliant in-ring technician (that was obvious), but they also couldn't deny that he had something about him and carried a ton of mystique. That, so says Tyree, is where the "Parts Unknown" branding came from.

It fit Warrior perfectly.

Tyree's honesty was appreciated throughout 'Dark Side Of The Ring'. Nobody could sit there and argue that The Ultimate Warrior was Daniel Bryan between the ropes, and she didn't even try. It's nonetheless fascinating to think that his kayfabe hometown was steeped in backstage reality though.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.