10 Things We Learned From Drew McIntyre On Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Sessions

9. Why Vince McMahon’s Endorsement Felt “Normal”

Drew McIntyre Steve Austin Broken Skull Sessions

Some might think that McIntyre was being arrogant when he said that Vince McMahon's public endorsement on the 25 September 2009 SmackDown felt "normal". Here's the thing: Drew understood how amazing that was, but he'd also been treated like the head boy since breaking in on the UK indy scene years before.

So, he just took McMahon's pat on the back in his stride.

Austin ran some fascinating footage from a Vince-led 'promo class' filmed around that same time. It showed a game McIntyre kicking off a speech with Fit Finlay before threatening to throw a bottle of water at McMahon's head to 'show people something they'd never forget'.

'Stone Cold' said that took some amount of balls. That, as the previous entry explains, was nothing new to Drew. He had become well-versed in outgoing swagger - that confidence had worked up until now, and he didn't see the need to change anything.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.