10 Things We Learned From Eric Bischoff's Starrcade 1997 Podcast

2. He Can See Why People Hated Sting’s Blasé Entrance

Sting Starrcade 1997

Looking back on Starrcade now, Bischoff thinks it might've been fun to do something different with Sting's entrance that would have differentiated him from the rest of the roster. On the night, WCW's dark knight who had been watching from the shadows and rappelling down from the rafters for over a year simply walked out from the entrance way.

Suddenly, the guy who had been markedly different looked just like everyone else.

Eric did say that some elaborate entrance for the Stinger wouldn't, in his mind, have had an effect on the show's success. They already had people's money, and the end result (Sting winning the WCW World Title) was the most important thing. Still, he knows why some fans have a problem with the blasé nature of his entrance.

Later in the episode, Bischoff hinted that Sting's entrance was reflective of how he was feeling around that time. It was melancholy, downbeat and lacked enthusiasm. Both Eric and Hogan clearly had a problem with Sting's attitude and/or appearance.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.