10 Things We Learned From Kane On Stone Cold's Broken Skull Sessions Podcast

6. His St. Bernard Inspired The Trademark Head Tilt

Kane WWF Champion

One of the other traits Kane developed was a simple head tilt that was supposed to show intelligence without the need to speak. By dropping his head to one side occasionally, Kane hoped that he'd be able to bypass his mask and show at least some emotion during promo segments and matches.

He can thank his dog for the idea.

Kane's St. Bernard would tilt his head to one side whenever they were communicating. The animal couldn't speak English (what a story that would've been), but he did understand what his owner was talking about whenever Kane would bring up walkies, food or tummy rubs. The tilt was acknowledgement of that.

Bruce Prichard once told Kane that his head tilts were more effective than most promos others were cutting on TV. It was a relatable, almost charming gesture, and it helped give fans more insight into what the character was thinking. Nobody knew, including Austin, that it was inspired by his dog.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.