10 Things We Learned From Kenny Omega On Talk Is Jericho

7. Wrestlers Backstage Didn't Know About Y2J Coming In Beforehand

Chris Jericho Kenny Omega
New Japan Pro Wrestling

So closely-guarded a secret was Jericho vs. Omega that pretty much nobody backstage in New Japan Pro Wrestling knew a thing about it. The beautiful thing here is that Jericho's first video tease from Power Struggle on November 5, 2017 was the first time most of the roster found out about Y2J's impending arrival in their company.

Once Jericho made clear his intentions to challenge Omega to a match at Wrestle Kingdom 12, it became real for the other wrestlers. Omega laughed on Talk Is Jericho as he recalled accepting the challenge then returning backstage to a huge reception. The locker room had emptied and everybody wanted to find out more about the situation.

That was cool for Omega, because it instantly told him how excited the wrestling world would be about 'Alpha vs. Omega'. It was one thing to get fans hyped up about the match - but another entirely for a wrestler to see his fellow pros acting like little kids again.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.