10 Things We Learned From Kevin Nash On Stone Cold’s Broken Skull Sessions Podcast
5. Austin Thought Hogan Showed “Disrespect”

Here's something a little different.
Austin and Nash went in-depth on the rise of the nWo. During that bit, 'Stone Cold' paused to admonish Hulk Hogan for the way he covered Randy Savage towards the end of Bash At The Beach 1996. Put it this way: Austin was not a fan of that match-winning pinfall, and actually thought it was disrespectful.
Explaining, Steve said that Hogan was "too high" on Randy's body when Scott Hall made the mock count. He didn't think that did much to protect Savage at all - Nash chimed in to suggest that this was perhaps deliberate on Hulk's part, because he and 'Macho Man' had a notorious on/off relationship away from the ring.
This interesting little side-point from Austin definitely deserves your attention. It gave some sneaky insight into his views about Hogan's ego, and may reveal why he was never too hot on the notion of working with the 'Hulkster' when he had the chance later on.