10 Things We Learned From Kofi Kingston On Edge & Christian’s Podcast

KofiMania owes a lot to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and old video games...

Kofi Kingston the new day

If you're telling pals you had Kofi Kingston down as one of Daniel Bryan's WWE Title challengers in 2019, then you're a no good liar. Not even Kofi himself could see it coming, and that's something he shared during the latest episode of E&C's Pod Of Awesomeness. To Kingston, this is a complete surprise.

Not only that, but it makes up for that dirty rotten scoundrel Edge stealing his thunder a decade ago.

It's not hard to see the camaraderie Kofi has with Edge and Christian. He grew up idolising their tag-team work, and their famous matches with The Hardy and Dudley Boyz are ones he admits he tries to top in The New Day. Both Canadians got a kick out of hearing that, and they're getting the same kind of buzz from Kingston's current push.

The interview included stories on what inspired some of Kofi's biggest moves, why he's not really one for busting a gut on the treadmill, his first memories of seeing Edge, a dorky meeting with Christian and more. Here's everything we learned from the hour-long chat...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.