10 Things We Learned From Mark Henry On Stone Cold's Broken Skull Sessions

7. Mark Actually Loved The ‘Sexual Chocolate’ Gimmick

Sexual Chocolate Mark Henry Mae Young

Henry adored working with Mae Young.

He'd actually come up with the 'Sexual Chocolate' gimmick during a car journey with D'Lo Brown and The Rock in 1998, and was delighted to work alongside someone he knew was a real iron lady. Funnily enough, D'Lo had warned his friend that the WWF would never let him be called 'Sexual Chocolate'. So much for that.

Mark was excited to turn up for work everyday and see what Vince McMahon had in store for him. He recalls greeting a beaming Vinnie Mac, who'd then tell him with a swagger to his voice what they had planned for that evening's show. It was an exciting time, and one that re-motivated Henry to improve.

Even so, weight gain led to a demotion. Mark was sent down to Ohio Valley Wrestling and told to improve his conditioning and in-ring skills ASAP. That sent him spiralling into self-doubt, and was a million miles away from the jaunty good vibes of 'Sexual Chocolate'.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.