10 Things We Learned From Matt Cardona & Brian Myers On Talk Is Jericho
10. Ryder's Dad Still Calls Him 'Zack'

For simplicity, Cardona will be referred to as Zack Ryder and Myers as Curt Hawkins going forwards in this article. It'd just get messy if your writer attempted to tangle with multiple names for both guys, and most fans know them as their WWE monikers anyway.
Ryder's dad is one of them.
Zack admitted to Jericho that his father is having a tough time calling him Matt again. Daddy Ryder had grown so accustomed to calling his son Zack over the past 15 or so years, and it's causing havoc in his brain now his boy is out of WWE. He's not the only one struggling - Ryder himself is unsure how to introduce himself.
He did say on the pod that running his toy collecting podcast with Hawkins has helped both men. They use their shoot names on that, which has made things a little easier now they're no longer Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins.