10 Things We Learned From Matt Hardy On Talk Is Jericho

9. He Might've Stayed Had Triple H Been In "Sole Power"

Matt Hardy

Here's a scoop: Triple H called Matt days after his contract with WWE expired and tried to work something else out. Also, Matt says he would probably have stayed with the company had Trips been the "sole one in power". That's pretty damn huge, and it shows the Hardy's problem wasn't with 'The Game' or his vision.

It was with the threat of being "minimised" by Vince and the promotion's stifling structure.

Hardy spotted a while ago that WWE were hoarding talent so nobody else could leave and move the needle elsewhere, and he didn't want to sit back idly as his career frittered away. Amazingly, despite being a trusted veteran with decades of experience under his belt, Matt couldn't pin McMahon down backstage and find out if he had his best interests at heart.

During that recent Randy Orton storyline, Paul Heyman approached Matt and asked him straight up if he was leaving. Hardy couldn't give him a straight answer, because he didn't know for a fact that he was, but he knew deep down that he was mentally checking out of WWE.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.