10 Things We Learned From Rey Mysterio On The Ross Report

10. Super Astro Was His Favourite Wrestler Growing Up

Rey Mysterio Super Astro

Growing up as the nephew of Rey Misterio Sr in California enabled the future Rey Mysterio to be around the wrestling industry from a young age, and readied him for his own assault on the industry. Although he admired his uncle, there was one performer Rey favoured above all others.

Watching in awe as the spectacular Super Astro flew through the air and crashed into his opponents, Rey loved watching his hero wrestle throughout the 1980s. Crucially, the future WWE Champion couldn't help but notice that Astro's major moves always meant something and regularly ended his matches.

According to Mysterio on The Ross Report, this influenced him greatly even before he started training, because he realised that wrestling fans would expect at least one or two trademark/signature moves that would let them know matches were coming to a close.

Super Astro helped show Rey that there was more to Lucha Libre than gymnastics or elaborate, flashy sequences.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.