10 Things We Learned From Rey Mysterio On The Ross Report

9. Rey Always Viewed His Diminutive Size As A Blessing

Big Show Rey MySterio TLC 2013

One of the most interesting questions Jim Ross asked Mysterio on his podcast related to the masked man's smaller size. Eager to learn whether or not Rey viewed his diminutive stature as a blessing or a curse, the ex-WWE announcer outright asked his guest if a lack of physical size had ever bothered him personally.

Mysterio said he decided to take a positive approach from a very young age; realising that he was never going to be a hulking beast who could throw others around the ring, he instead elected to hurl himself around between the ropes and use his God-given slight frame to help himself stand out from others.

This was especially true when Rey landed on the North American wrestling scene, because size was more important in the States than it had been in Mexico.

Viewing his relatively small size as an advantage, the hard-working Mysterio told JR that it was a motivating tool rather than something which held him back. Even when he reached the promised land of WWE, the high-flyer decided to show off his individuality rather than trying in vain to be like everyone else.

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Rey Mysterio
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