10 Things We Learned From Rey Mysterio On The Ross Report

7. He's Concerned That Young Wrestlers Wrestle Like Each Match Is Their Last

Rey Mysterio 619 Chris Jericho Smackdown 2009

Flying around the ring seemingly with reckless abandon, the fast-moving style of Rey Mysterio has naturally slowed over the years. Keeping pace wasn't a problem in his youth, though, and fans need only look at some of Rey's earlier work in companies like ECW and WCW for proof of that.

Agreeing with JR that the latest generation of wrestlers work too quickly without even trying to tell a story, the infamous Cruiserweight star said he worries some will burn themselves out totally by constantly trying to top one another each night.

Rey is obviously a fan of the high-flying style, yet there's something missing in his mind. That absent component is psychology; it may seem rich for an aerial artist like Mysterio to preach about taking things slow, but his words on The Ross Report never came across as arrogant. Instead, they display the vast experience Rey has and the concern he holds for younger performers.

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