10 Things We Learned From Rey Mysterio On The Ross Report

5. Scott Hall Told Him That Selling Was Key To Longevity

Jushin Liger Rey Mysterio WCW

As the conversation turned to today's Cruiserweight division in WWE, both Jim Ross and Mysterio could agree that selling has become something of a lost art in the industry; interestingly, Rey was keen to point out that it's not only high-flying stars who are guilty of this, and that he sees the same problem across all weight classes.

Remembering a chat he had with Scott Hall during his time in WCW, Rey recalled the former Razor Ramon telling him that selling was key to having a successful, lengthy career in North America.

Watching many of Rey's matches from the late-1990's onwards (even when he performed underneath a mask) shows that he took Hall's words on board. There are few Cruiserweight wrestlers who took the time to sell like Mysterio - mask or not - and he was consistently one of the best at playing face in peril during his career.

Rey said on the podcast that he appreciated Hall approaching him with such wise words.

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Rey Mysterio
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