10 Things We Learned From Sami Zayn On Stone Cold’s Broken Skull Sessions Podcast

1. He’s Keen To Try On A Babyface Run

Steve Austin Sami Zayn Broken Skull Sessions

Austin stuck some NXT promo class footage from 2013 on the screen, and Zayn couldn't fail to notice just how far he's come on the mic since then. He could always speak clearly, but his style wasn't very exciting or engaging, and he knew he had some work to do.

Amazingly, Sami hasn't really been a babyface since properly finding his voice in WWE. Sure, he cut several good promos in NXT and before turning heel in 2017, but they were hardly a regular occurrence. Going rogue has enabled Zayn to deliver great speech after great speech on TV.

Could he do that as a babyface? He'd like to find out.

This might've been a dropped hint, to be honest. Sami told 'Stone Cold' that he fancied giving the face gig another crack and getting fans onside. Perhaps this ongoing story with The Bloodline will feed into that by the end of 2022? Just a guess, albeit one that makes sense booking-wise.

What else did you learn from Sami Zayn on 'Broken Skull Sessions'? For more WWE, check out 10 Worst Excuses Wrestlers Gave For Missing Matches and 10 Wrestling Feuds That Will NEVER End!

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Sami Zayn
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