10 Things We Learned From Sasha Banks On Stone Cold's Podcast

7. Trying To Bump Drove Sasha Crazy

Sasha Banks gym

Ask anyone who has taken a bump to describe their first and it'll probably be likened to being hit in the back with something hard. For some, the pain may even come from smashing their head on the ring canvas after forgetting to tuck it. That was Sasha; she just couldn't master the art of slamming her own body down.

Banks laughed as she recalled sliding more than bumping. Her bumps didn't look convincing, and that frustrated her due to being the only girl in her training class. What would the guys who were already taunting her over 'Bra & Panties' matches on WWE TV think if she couldn't even take a basic back bump? Sasha had to do her homework.

Already furious with herself, she put in a shift at home. Taking her brother's mattress from his bed and sitting it atop her own on the floor, the future Women's Champ would hurl herself to the deck time and time again until she was exhausted. Yep, one of WWE's best learned by bumping on her bedroom floor.

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Sasha Banks
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