10 Things We Learned From Stone Cold Steve Austin On Talk Is Jericho

6. Austin Questioned ‘Mania 13’s Finish

Steve Austin Talk Is Jericho

This took balls.

The iconic finish to 'Mania 13's gripping battle between Austin and Bret was Vinnie Mac's idea. Steve remembers Hart being happy (he was going over), but he wasn't so sure that passing out in the Sharpshooter was a good idea. Ever the headstrong dude, Austin marched into Vince's office and questioned it.

McMahon said he was "absolutely" sure that it'd be phenomenal. Imagine that! Austin wasn't totally sold on what would become the defining moment of his turn from gritty heel to mega-star anti-hero babyface. 'Stone Cold' passing out is one of the most enduring visuals in pro wrestling history.

Bret was the one who suggested they use blood, which was outlawed at the time. Austin agreed that it'd add drama, and was pleased when Hart said he'd cut Steve so any flak from Vince (if there was any) would go his way.

That finish may never have happened had Austin carried more sway with Vince in 1997.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.