10 Things We Learned From Stone Cold Steve Austin On Talk Is Jericho

5. “Judgement Call”

Steve Austin Talk Is Jericho

Austin still wasn't sure about the finish or the blood thing (even though he'd agreed) when the match got started. He told Jericho that he was selling for Bret at ringside when he looked up at his peer and said two words: "Judgement call". He was pretty much asking Hart to decide whether or not they even needed colour.

Bret went for it.

Austin explained his comment as off-the-cuff. He could tell that the fans at 'Mania were already super-invested in the match, and he didn't want to annoy McMahon by using blood if they didn't need to. Bret followed through regardless, and he was 100% right to do so.

Jericho could scarcely believe what he was hearing. One of WWE's most historic moments could've been so, so different had Hart agreed with Steve's assessment that they didn't really need the blade to add extra drama. Thankfully, the 'Hitman' had made his mind up pre-show, and wasn't about to change it mid-match.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.