10 Things We Learned From Stone Cold Steve Austin On Talk Is Jericho

2. Why He’s Still Annoyed About ‘Mania XV

Steve Austin Talk Is Jericho

Jericho spent most of the pod listening, but there was a definite gasp when he heard this story.

Austin isn't fond of WrestleMania XV for one reason and one reason only. Ever wondered why the 'Rattlesnake' marauded to the ring wearing a t-shirt instead of his trademark leather vest that night? Yeah, about that - Steve just kinda' forgot to pack it, and was steaming mad at himself for that slip up.

He described his forgetfulness as amateurish and "stupid" on the pod. Little things matter, and he hates that he forgot something so pivotal to his entrance on the biggest pay-per-view of 1999. It's almost like he feels he let Vince McMahon, The Rock and all of the fans down with one tiny oversight most didn't notice.

Austin doesn't think it looked great that he was out there in a shirt. Most likely think he was trying to shift some new merch, but that's not it. The truth is that he didn't have the vest with him, and wanted to wear something down the aisle.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.