10 Things We Learned From The Revolt On Talk Is Jericho

5. Their Reaction To #FTR

The Young Bucks Kenny Omega Being The Elite The Revival FTR
YouTube/Being The Elite

The Revolt are still confused about exactly why The Young Bucks started their #FTR trend when both were working for ROH in 2017. Cash and Dax think Matt and Nick Jackson might've been feeling the heat when fans on social media started referring to The Revival as the world's best tag-team, but they're not totally sure.

They've never actually met The Bucks face-to-face, or asked them.

Cash did say the NXT team weren't initially receptive to another duo saying, "F*ck The Revival". They didn't know if The Bucks had genuine animosity towards them or were just trying to be funny. Whatever the reasons were, they were never once explained to Cash or Dax via social media DM or on the phone.

This part of the pod made it seem like The Revolt are AEW bound; Dax said they couldn't wait to show The Bucks how to wrestle, and Cash said they'd it's only a matter of time before they work with the brothers one day. It came across like they're already in on something and are working an angle.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.