10 Things We Learned From The Revolt On Talk Is Jericho

4. Bret Hart Text Dax The Day They Were Released

Bret Hart Revival
Twitter, @DashWilderWWE

The Revival were officially released from their WWE contracts on 10 April 2020. That very same afternoon, the legendary Bret Hart whacked a text over to Dax Harwood to tell him how proud he was that they'd been able to stand up for what they believed in. He then asked Dax to forward the same text to Cash.

Inside, Hardwood was positively beaming with pride.

He'd grown up idolising the 'Hitman', and The Revival had patterned a ton of their work after The Hart Foundation. When he saw his phone light up and that text message come through, Dax knew he'd made the right call to stand by self-respect and ask for his WWE release.

It was vindication for turning down a contract extension that would've pocketed millions. Cash agreed that earning the respect of one's peers and legends in the business is much more nourishing than accepting disrespect just to get by.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.