10 Things We Learned From VICE’s Dark Side Of The Ring: Jimmy Snuka

7. Jimmy's Conflicting Stories

VICE Dark Side Of The Ring Jimmy Snuka Nancy Argentino

10 May 1983 marked the end of Nancy's life.

Originally, Snuka phoned an ambulance and told paramedics that the couple had been play-wrestling before he went to work for the WWF and left Nancy to sleep. Then, at hospital, he told several others that there was 'some sort of conflict' between the pair. That story would change again when police called round the next morning.

This time, Jimmy said the couple had stopped off on their way to Allentown, Pennsylvania for a rest room break. On her way back to the car, Nancy had slipped and banged her head on the road, but they didn't think much of it. Now, Snuka was claiming that this fall had caused serious injuries.

Decades later in 2012, some details were altered once more. In his book, Jimmy hummed a new tune, and that inadvertently helped journalists like Kevin Amerman and Adam Clark reopen the case. Weirdly, Tonga Kid also claims he was with Snuka and Nancy in the car that day but doesn't remember anyone falling.

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