10 Things We Learned From VICE’s Dark Side Of The Ring: New Jack

2. He Suffers From Insomnia

New Jack Vic Grimes VICE

At ECW's Living Dangerously 2000 pay-per-view, New Jack and Vic Grimes were supposed to fall off some scaffolding through a table below. Before the spot, Grimes hesitated and said he didn't want to jump, so Jack grabbed him and forced it through.

He'd end up breaking his leg and cracking his skull when Vic landed on the side of his head.

Jack also suffered brain damage and permanently lost sight in his right eye. That hesitation from Grimes would be something he'd go on to regret - New Jack told VICE he was incensed that Vic never once called him to see how he was after the botched stunt. He wanted revenge from minute one.

The fall had other consequences for Jack. He still suffers from insomnia to this day, and blames Grimes for 'bitching out' of the bump on live pay-per-view when the audience wanted to see it. One year later, Jack would attempt to even the score.

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