10 Things We Learned From VICE’s Dark Side Of The Ring: New Jack

7. Mustafa Would Smoke Pencil Shavings

D'Lo Brown Mustafa New Jack VICE

It perhaps says everything that New Jack viewed Mustafa as the crazy one of their tag-team. He'd smoke anything he could get his hands on, including bags of stuff he'd find laying outside the building. At one stage, the drug-fuelled muscle man was even smoking pencil shavings.

He told Jack it was the "new sh*t".

Despite all of his misgivings, Jack couldn't understand why Mustafa was toking pencils, and he said it'd come back to haunt him one day. His partner didn't give a crap, and freely offered to share his habits with some in the Smoky Mountain and ECW locker rooms. The Sandman told VICE that he turned most of it down.

D'Lo chimed in to say he has to "plead the fifth" on the pencil shavings rumour. His giggle pretty much tells the full story - Mustafa was literally filling up joints with a mixture of weed, wood shavings and anything else he could grab.

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